Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Any-Size Bag Tutorial

If you are wanting a simple bag tutorial, this is it!  You can use these guides to make any size bag.  I've completed two and am working on a third; all different sizes.

First, gather supplies.

You will need two coordinating fabrics; one for the outside (I used a thicker fabric for the outside) and one for the inside (I used a quilter's cotton); interfacing, a magnetic snap, and webbing for the handle.

Next, cut two panels from each fabric and from the interfacing.  All of these panels need to be the same size.  For this particular bag, I made my panels 10" high by 12" wide.

Iron the interfacing to the back of the outside fabric panels.

Pin fabric together with the patterned sides facing each other.  (Pin inside fabrics to each other; pin outside fabrics to each other.)

Sew around three sides, leaving the top open.

For the inside fabric, leave an opening in the bottom.  My opening was about 4 inches.  This is how you will turn the bag right-side out.

Next, make a gusseted bottom by folding the seam over to make a triangle in each corner.  Line up the seams.  Determine how wide you want your bottom (mine was 4 inches) and mark the edge.

Pin your corner.

Sew along the marked line.  I went back over my line a couple of times to reinforce the stitch.

Trim off the excess.

You should now have two inside-out bags, looking somewhat like this.

Now is the time to put the magnetic snap in.

Determine where you want the snap.  Remember to leave enough space at the top because you still have to sew to bags together and finish with a stitch around the top.  Press the snap into the fabric to make indentations in the fabric (this step works best on carpet).  Cut slits in the fabric and push your snap in.

This is what it s like from the inside of the bag.

Cut a small rectangle of cardboard to reinforce the snap.  Slide the little metal disc on and bend the flaps back.  All of these instructions are included on the packaging for the snap.

Next, pin the handles to the outside fabric where you want them positioned.

turn your liner right-side out and set down into the bag.  The "good sides" should now be touching.  The pictures really explain this step better than I can.

Pin the liner to the outside.  Make sure your handles are tucked down and out of the way.

Sew around the entire top.  I triple stitched across the handle straps to reinforce them.

Now, carefully turn your bag right-side out from the small hole in the bottom of the liner.

This is what you should have.

Hand stitch the hole.  Don't worry if this doesn't look very appealing... How often do you actually see the bottom of the inside of your bag?

Set the liner down into the bag.

Pin around the top.

Stitch all the way around your bag.

There you have it!

I added a fabric rosette.

This is another bag made from the same instructions.  The starting panels were 12"x20" for this one, making the finished bag about 9"x15"x4".

I'm linking this to my favorite linky parties this week!


  1. AWESOME tutorial! I am SO making one of these!

  2. LOVE IT!!! This was a great post!!! I am your newest follower and hope that you will come be a follower at my blog!!! brooke
    Girl Boy Girl Inspired

  3. That is super cute, and a really easy to follow tutorial!

  4. LOVE making purses! Looks like my method too. So much fabric, so little time!

  5. I love it! I just might do some today!
    Thanks for the great tutorial!

  6. Perfect timing! I'm so glad I found this. Two days ago I bought my 11-year-old daughter the cutest fabric to make a pillow for her room and (hopefully) a little purse. This will be a great project for us to do together.

    Now I don't have to search library books and the internet for instructions that I can actually understand. Thanks!

  7. So cute! If I added a few pockets it would work as a diaper bag. I think I will give this a try :)

  8. thank you for sharing this great tutorial.


  9. thank you so much for the tutorial and for linking up to handmade tuesday @ ladybug blessings!

  10. For Pete's sake, I love how easy this is!! Thanks for sharing.. and ps, your header is the cutest. ever.

  11. For Pete's sake, I love how easy this is!! Thanks for sharing.. and ps, your header is the cutest. ever.

  12. Awesome!!! Thanks for sharing your tutorial. I'm bookmarking this one!


  13. I love making purses... and pretty much follow the same steps you outlined. Very cute.

  14. Great tutorial! I just posted a bag I made yesterday, but your instructions are much more thorough. Sometimes, I forget to stop and take pictures. Love the rosette! Thanks for sharing.

  15. What an amazing tutorial! Thank you! I'm new to sewing and hope to be able to make one myself soon! I would love for you to link up any of your projects to my Ten Buck Tuesday link parties.

    And I'm a new follower :)


  16. I love this design! You could use it for just about anything. Cute purse, camera bag, lunch bag, shopping tote if you change the size accordingly

  17. Oh MY Golly gosh!!!! I {HEART} this, really, I do.
    I'm getting a sewing machine next month....and I have been looking for some easy cute, designs/tutorials to make... and I love yours. I can't wait to try it out. TFS, keep it up. I have just become a new follower ;)

  18. Thank you so much for sharing this tutorial. I have been wanting to make myself a couple of new bags, but I couldn't figure out how.
    I used to make bags like this when I was a teen, but had totally forgotten how to do it now.

  19. Estan muy bonitas,y el tutorial esta muy bien explicado,gracias

  20. Cool! Very easy!
    I made three today.
    Thank you for sharing!


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