Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Spaghetti Pizza... the best of BOTH worlds!

I cut this in half for the three of us and still had leftovers! It was so good!

1 lb. spaghetti noodles
1 jar pasta sauce
Pizza toppings (I only used pepperoni but am going supreme next time)
Mozzarella cheese
1 egg

1. Preheat oven to 325°.
2. Cook pasta, drain and add egg (beaten) to pasta; mix well.
3. Spray 10x13 inch pan with nonstick spray.
4. Put a small layer of sauce on bottom of pan. Layer with spaghetti, sauce, toppings, and cheese. Repeat layers. (I sprinkled with Parmesan cheese before putting it into the oven.)
5. Bake for 20-30 minutes.
6. Cut like lasagna.


  1. I was a little nervous when I first saw the recipe title...but by the time i finished reading it sounded better and better:) Will def. try!

  2. I've tried this before, slightly different though. It was definitely delicious!

  3. This does sound like the best of both worlds! Interesting recipe!

  4. Spaghetti and pizza, two of my favorites! Put them together, it's got to be good! Can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing at Sew Much Ado!
    Scissors & Spatulas

  5. It it the best of both worlds!!! Thanks for sharing!

  6. That sounds yummy. Thanks for your support over at Tuesday Tell All.

  7. this sounds really yummy, ty for sharing the recipe!

    I found you from Sumo's blog, Id love to have you stop by and check out my project! http://xsurvivingmotherhoodx.blogspot.com/2011/03/i-made-it-kindle-kozy.html

  8. I will have to give this recipe a try!

    Love your purse tutorial also!


  9. Wow and yum! The best of both worlds indeed. Thanks for sharing the recipe.


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