Taylor Maxine McClure - 17 weeks old
January 6, 2010
It was on this day last year that we found out we were expecting little Taylor! Time has flown by since then! This has been a great week for Taylor. She has really started laughing! Not just the cute little giggles she was doing a couple of weeks ago either. These are deep, from the gut, belly laughs and we LOVE it! She is so darn cute! Another big accomplishment this week: Taylor rolled from her back to her belly!!! She has been working very hard at this. She is also drinking 8 oz. about every four hours and sleeping 6-8 hours at night. She had her 4 month check-up today and weighed 15 lbs. 9 oz. (50%) and is 25.25 inches long (75%). Getting so big!
Here is Jaden at 17 weeks:
What a cute picture! I think I can see Jaden's red hair starting to grow in her 17 wk pic, but I can't tell what color Taylor's is. Is it red, too?