Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Fool-Proof Plan for Christmas Shopping

I can't believe that Christmas is only 53 days away.  We have started shopping but haven't really got deep into it yet.  The problem we have run into in the past is getting the shopping done super early only to find that J has a new obsession by the time the holiday actually comes around.  I can't have my kid thinking that Santa isn't in tune with what she loves!  This year, I have a fool-proof plan.  I'm going to get my shopping done early and just feed J's obsessions like it's my job!  She loves 101 Dalmatians right now.  I could go buy her 101 actual dalmatians but if Christmas rolls around and she is loving something else, she won't care one bit.  So, if I buy her a bunch of dalmatian stuff, all I have to do is keep talking about dalmatians, watching 101 Dalmatians, calling her Pongo, whatever it takes for the obsession to last!  Like I said, fool-proof... right?

Sorry, I'm a little distracted today...

Ok, I have had this blog for a while.  Why do you read it?  I want to know what it is that makes people keep coming back and reading what I have to write each day.  I've been posting a lot of crafts and tutorials lately and honestly, those posts are the ones to get the most hit.  Is that what my readers like?  I don't know?  There is a mom whose daughter goes to the same sitter as my girls.  She apparently has a blog (didn't know about it but will probably search for it now) and wrote a post about the babysitter and how much she loved her.  Great, right?  I mean, I love our sitter and trust her with the lives of my daughters and I don't mind telling you about it... BUT, this mother's post was stapled to the kids' menu this week.  Now, I don't know if the mom provided the copy to the sitter or if Annie just so happen to see it, but I felt like it was a little... I don't really know how I took it.  I guess it just made me wonder who is reading my blog and what they come to me for.  For the rest of this week only, I am allowing anonymous comments (hopefully I won't get too many spammers!).  Please, if you read this post, leave me a comment and tell me why you did.  I want the good, the bad, and the ugly.  If you come to my blog because you think I'm a dork and you like watching me make a fool of myself, tell me :o)  If you think I'm the smartest and most creative person in the world (first, congratulations for realizing that), tell me!  I want to know it all!  Now watch... I'll get zero comments :o)


  1. I like to read your blog because you inspire me to attempt to be super mom. I secretly want to be like you. Don't worry I'm not a stalker but you always do all the fun things with your girls and I like to steal your crafty ideas. Keep them coming!

  2. welp- you are pretty silly sometimes- and you are real- and that's why I come back to read more! I like the crafts and stuff too- but more I come back just to see what you and your girls are up to! I read all of your posts- but don't comment much... I know, I know- I need to be better about that- I promise I will try!

  3. um... I follow cause you're crazy! No I'm kidding! I feel like we could be friends in the real world as well as the blog world. You're very involved in your kids, as am I, so I like following those posts. Creative people are fun to be around!

  4. I am new to your blog and just love it! I discovered your blog through a link on household organizer. Love what you did, hung around a little and have enjoyed reading about your life. Quite inspiring.


  5. 1.dork factor post a lotta pictures and I'm a visual person
    3.I'm a stalker live in my hometown!
    5.your girls are pretty stinkin cute mail me stuff on occasion and I like gifts could I not keep up on your life? like, duh!

    *these are in random order. promise.

  6. I miss you and the girls and this is the best way for me to keep up-to-date. =)

  7. Sweetie, its because its so darned entertaining and interesting! Also, its a great outlet that lets me see my little girls.


***A DISCLAIMER: I love reading all of your comments! But please keep comments respectful. Comments that are disrespectful, contentious, inaccurate, anonymous, untruthful, or that foster back-and-forth arguments among readers may be moderated or deleted. Thank you!