Monday, January 7, 2013

71 Projects: Wine Cork Memo Strip

As part of my 2013 New Year's Resolutions, I, along with some of my Facebook friends, am challenging myself to start and complete 71 different craft/projects over the course of a year... Crazy, I know.  I did my first one on New Year's Day!

Project 1: Wine Cork Memo Strip
Start Date: January 1, 2013
Finish Date: January 1, 2013
Total Time: 25 minutes
Difficulty Level: Super Easy
Total Cost: $0

Wine Corks
Yard Stick
Hot Glue Gun

Run a thick bead of hot glue where you want your cork to be placed.

Place the cork on the glue, making sure to bump it up to the cork next to it.  Try to center the cork as best as you can.  Corks vary in size.

I used nails that were thin enough to hide between two corks, yet long enough to go through the project and into the wall.  I used three nails, one each, placed three corks from the top and bottom, and one in the middle.  You are going to be using this to tack photos and messages.  You don't want it to fall off the wall every time you use it!  Just place the nail between two corks and hit it into the wall.  I used the opposite end of my hammer head (what it that called... the side that you take the nails out with) to get between the corks and push the nail until it was barely visible.

I made sure to have the brand of wine showing.  I like the fun names and pictures on the cork to showcase my taste in wine!  (See the nail between the French Lick Winery and Simply Naked corks?)

I use this to tack little reminder notes such as dentist appointments cards and J's school schedule.  I love it :o)

Now, drink up so you can make this project!

Hint: If you don't drink wine, or haven't been saving your corks, you can buy wine cork vase filler at Target.  This project would make the perfect gift for a wine lover!

Keep track of all of my DIY projects by clicking on the DIY Directory tab at the top of my blog!

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  1. Love this idea! I have tons of corks and keep holding onto them to figure out what I want to make with them. Thanks for the idea.

  2. This is really cute. I have a bag full of corks and wine bottles I'm trying to figure out what to do with.

    I'm having a GOOGLE + Social hop. I'd love for you to hop on over, grab a button and link up your Google +. If you don't have Google + it's ok, come link up your blog or favorite post.

    I'm also looking for Pinterest Pinners to feature every week beginning in January. If you are on Pinterest and are interested in being featured come link up! Who knows you might meet some other great pinners and gain a few great ideas.

  3. What a cute craft and a great idea! I'm hosting a craft party at SHOW-licious Craft Showcase if you would like to participate, I'd love for you to join in! :)

    Happy New Year,

  4. What a great upcycling project, and I love the challenge you are participating in! I would love for you to come link up at my weekly linky party Thrifty to Nifty Thursdays at A Jennuine Life. I'm working with a couple of bigger bloggers to feature great projects, so I'm hoping to bring fabulous exposure for participants!

  5. I love this project! I too have been saving my wine corks for the perfect project. One of my besties is getting married tis fall. She likes wine (even carries an opener in her purse). I am making one of these for part of her wedding gift!
    Thank you so much for sharing your memo board.
    p.s. Is the band-aid from a glue gun accident :)

  6. :o) Theresa, I have a chronic hangnail problem in the winter... Usually have a band-aid on at least one finger at all times! Oh, and I also carry a corkscrew in my purse :o)

  7. Congratulations! You've been featured on Wicked Awesome Wednesday! Thanks for sharing your cork project! Feel free to stop by the website and grab your "I've been featured!" button.

  8. Great Post! But you might just want to try having the holidays in cork , it would be really interesting!


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