Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's 2011!  Every year, I make it one of my resolutions to check something off of my Life List.  I figured, why not get this out of the way on day one of the new year?

Life List #30: Participate in a Polar Bear Plunge

As you can see, it was a little warmer than usual for January 1st.  Those 17 mph wind gusts were something fierce though!

My friend, Candy, was the only soul brave enough to conquer the icy St. Joseph River with me.  This was also on her Bucket List! 

Yes, that is a chunk of ice floating down the river we were waiting so patiently to dive into.

We all sang the Star Spangled Banner and took off running!

It was so cold, it HURT.
I felt like I was having a heart attack.
My chest was on fire.
I couldn't feel my feet.
It may have been the dumbest thing I've ever done...
I am SO making this an annual tradition!

In 2010, I crossed the following off of my Life List:
6. Plan a major event from start to finish
7. Start my own business
18. Collect all Statehood Quarters
27. Visit the Grand Canyon
35. Place a bet in Vegas

As far as other New Year's Resolutions go, in 2011, I resolve to:
1. Cross something off of my Life List
2. Lose 5-7 pounds
3. Get my freakin' family room ceiling fixed!
4. Read 40 books
5. Complete my 2010 Project Life album

Cheers to a prosperous 2011!

Oh yeah!  I have some winners to announce!  I randomly picked numbers using, of course and the following people have won the featured prizes from my 500th post giveaway:

#15 - Renee wins the party hat and patch pattern from Becca at Blue Cricket
#27 - Jenny wins the charm and chain necklace from Sumo at Sumo's Sweet Stuff
#23 - Nikki wins the car air freshener from Jenny at Bisque It Pottery Painting Studio
#10 - Rachel wins the party hat and patch pattern from Becca at Blue Cricket
#20 - Lora wins the party hat and patch pattern from Becca at Blue Cricket
#7 - Kelly wins the octopus from Lorri's Etsy shop
#14 - Hobbyaholic wins the party hat and patch pattern from Becca at Blue Cricket
#29 - Cheeksb wins the party hat and patch pattern from Becca at Blue Cricket
#37 - Llama wins the gumball coin purse from Alycia's Yummi Etsy shop
#27 - Mrs. Huse Clifton wins Abby's Crafty Mama book

These 10 ladies, as well as the other 19 people that left comments will all receive a printable PDF of my Household Organizational Binder pages sometime this week!

Happy New Year!!


  1. Polar bear plunge!! That looks fun but FREEZING!!!! I love your list though, I think I should start mine!! happy new year, xxxooo

  2. I didn't even know we had a polar bear plunge!! That's awesome - and kudo's to you for doing it!

    I'm SO pumped that I won something!!! WOO WHOO!!! Thank you Shannon!

  3. Okay, I'm here in Phoenix and that looks AWFUL! but Kudos on doing it.

    And who-hoo for me on the party hat! Thank you for hosting such a great giveaway!

  4. Wow you are brave. Doing a polar bear swim is also on my list one year I will cross it off. Congratulations on doing it!

    And I am so happy to see you back blogging after the break. Also for wining a contest. Yeah! My email address is thanks that is such wonderful news.

  5. I want to do the plunge some time it seems like it would be great!!

    Im so happy I won!!!! and I get the organizational pages!!!!


  6. What number on your life list is visiting meeeeee?

    I don't think you could pay me to get that river water on my skin, no matter the temp. However, I love the pictures of you!! Congrats on crossing off a goal! What a great feeling!

  7. bbbrrrrr! does that look cold! woohoo for crossing an item off your life list though :-)

  8. Brave woman!! I don't like running into the cold water in the summer LOL. I think it's great that you took the plunge :)

    I like my prize :)

  9. You are insane girl!!! Brrrrrrr!

    I won?! Whooo hooo! Yipppppiieee!:)
    Thank you!!


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