Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Not me... Mike!

Monday evening, Mike called me from work saying he was having some kidney stone pain and had blood in his urine. I asked him if he needed me to bring him his pain medicine but he said it wasn't that bad. WELL, he changed his mind around 11:30! I had JUST taken some Tylenol PM because I hadn't been sleeping well. Mike came in the bedroom and woke me up saying he was in horrible pain. He was pacing and couldn't stand up straight because of the pain in his lower back. I called Karen to come stay with Jaden while I took him to the ER. Normally we would've gone to Dupont Hospital but since his pain was so bad, we went to Parkview Main instead... it's practically across the street from us! When we go there, the hospital was on lock down for some reason so that made it VERY difficult for us to even get IN! We were sent from door to door to door, each time being told to go to another door because of the lock down. Finally, we went outside and walked to the front door to the ER. Security met us there and said we couldn't go in unless it was an emergency because of the lock down. Apparently he thought it was normal for a grown man with a green face to be bent over in pain! Wouldn't you know that as SOON as we got in, the lock down was lifted! Have you ever watched ER on TV and saw that it was so busy, patients were on beds in the hall? Well, Mike was a patient on a bed in the hall because they were THAT busy. The nurse immediately came over and got some pain meds in him. I, on the other hand, was almost falling off my chair... the Tylenol PM DEFINITELY kicked in! The took Mike back for scans and I found a coffee machine and closed my eyes for a couple of minutes in the lobby. The scans showed that he has TWO kidney stones, each 5 mm big! One is still in the kidney and could be forever. The other one painfully made it's way to his bladder where it is waiting to come out! Oh, and if you want an idea of how big 5 mm is, these pearls are 5 mm in diameter!

Mike says there is no way something THAT size can come out of you-know-where. I said the SAME thing about childbirth...


Jenny said...

Look at the good side, get a new pair of "kidney stone" earrings!!!

Kelly said...

I hope Mike is feeling better!

Max Teders said...

Is this the wrong time to say that I had another saliva stone a couple weeks ago?