Thursday, April 15, 2010

31 Weeks

Taylor Maxine - 31 Weeks Old
April 14, 2010

Taylor (left) and a very sleepy Jaden (right) at 31 weeks old.

At 31 weeks old, Taylor loves being outside!! She likes to lay on her blanket and play with her toys and laugh everytime Jaden runs by. She is sleeping really well at night and is eating really well too. We switched her to jar cereal with fruit in it and she loves it! She tried puffs at Annie's this week. She also gives me lots of gummy, slobbery kisses when I pick her up from the babysitter's!! Taylor is a great kid... I can't believe she is getting so big!!

Here are my cuties together:

Life is definitely good! Now, if Blogger lets me, I'll show you a video of T crawling...


Kristen said...

wow look at her go! That's great!

Jenny said...

Love the army out Jaden here she comes!!
Shannon....get ready for, "MOM!!!! taylor is getting my stuff!!"

Love 'em!!

Max Teders said...

Taylor sorta looks like daddy on New Year's Eve!!