Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Good job! I am so proud!"

I didn't say it, Jaden did.  To me.  With many other people around.  In a public restroom!

We all went to Barnes and Noble last night and were just starting to play with the trains when Jaden decided that she had to go potty.  We always bring her potty seat with us so it wasn't a big deal at all.  I took her into the restroom and we both went into the handicap stall (one, because it is the only one big enough for two people, and two because all of the other stalls were occupied).  I hoisted her up onto the potty and waited to hear a little tinkle, after which I whispered, "good job, Miss."  Well, you know how it is... hearing all of the other people peeing, running water, etc. made me have to go potty so I took J's seat off and proceeded to do my business.  When I had finished, my oh-so-loud almost three-year-old starts clapping and shouts, "You peed, Mom!  Good job!  I am so proud!"  Then she hugs my legs and (still very loudly) says, "Aww, I love you, Mom!"  Yeah.  Definitely filing this away in the "things to remember for revenge when she's older" bin in my brain.


Dollface said...

that is adorable!! xxxoo

Hills N Valleys said...

oh that is hilarious! I have many funny situations like that when mine were small!

Brandy@YDK said...

so funny. your family is seriously adorable.

Kristen said...

that is so funny! Kids are too cute!

Ashlee Marie said...

My biggest regret on a day to day basis is not writing these treasures down more often!

LeeAnn said...

that is just too funny!