Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolutions for the New Year

Speaking of perfection, let's take a look at those 2011 New Years Resolutions, shall we?
  1. Cross something off of my Life List - DONE! Actually, I crossed two things (#30 and #14) off my list this year and added two more people to #23!
  2. Lose 5-7 pounds - Yeah... Not even close. I unfortunately weighed in at 6½ lbs. heavier than January 1, 2011... ugh. 
  3. Get my freakin' family room ceiling fixed!DONE! See the renovation here
  4. Read 40 books - I was SO close!  I finished book #33 on December 30. 
  5. Complete my 2010 Project Life album - Hahaha!! Yeah right! Hahahaha!!!

Because I enjoy setting myself up for failure goals for myself, I've compiled a nice, organized list of resolutions for the new year.  I present to you:
My Resolutions for 2012
  1. Cross something else off of my Life List
  2. Reach my goal weight and maintain it (within 2½ lbs.) throughout the year
  3. Sell my house and move into our dream home
  4. Read 40 books... including a re-read from high school!
  5. Get caught up on the girls' birthday scrapbooks and our wedding scrapbook (finally!)
  6. Live one day at a time
  7. Don't sweat the small stuff
  8. Make someone's day :o)
  9. Do what I love!
  10. Draw something again.
I know, I know... Not much change.  But, considering how badly I failed last year, I believe these are very good resolutions! - UPDATE: I added 6-10 later after thinking that I need to set goals to make me a better me!  Sometimes I get too caught up in life and everything involved in it.  I need to learn to live in the moment more.  Now, let's see how successful I can be at that!

So, what is your number one resolution for 2012?  If you need help setting goals for yourself, check out this site: http://moninavelarde.com/newyears/  It's pretty cool :o) 

Happy New Year!


Wenny said...

These are great and reasonable resolutions. I especially like 6-10 which is something I've targeted to make a better me too! I am in as much the same boat as you ... I failed in quite a number of my resolutions last year. This year I've decided to just stick to my Vision Board.

I hope you do not mind that I have share this in my FB page 'The Journey of Living Deliberately' at http://on.fb.me/oGc5yT


Lala said...

Impressive! You checked off some really great things! My friend started 43things.com some years back. Have I ever shown it to you? I was a beta tester when it first began, but I didn't keep up with it because I'm bad at keeping up with my life online (obviously!). You might find it helpful to keep on track with your resolutions plus you can network with people who have similar goals, getting support and new ideas.